The Painted Kitty


This is my cat Missy. I call her “The Painted Kitty” (or just “Painted”) because of the way each individual hair of hers has specks of the colors that make up her patterns. You’ll probably find this on most tabbies, although it’s usually easier to see in cats with multiple colors than with different shades of the same color. She looks as though God took a paintbrush and started marking up a canvas in whatever pattern He wanted to use. My friend’s tortie (tortoiseshell calico) Daimos was the same way-black with yellow and orange blotches that showed up bit by bit on each of her hairs. My vet said that no two tabbies or torties have exactly the same patterns, so it’s as though He really did “paint her special”. That’s what I tell her, anyway.

She might not understand the words, but I think animals pick up on a lot more than we think. My old roommate’s cat Thomas would immediately follow her into her room when she came in crying, which happened a lot. Her other cat would camp out on the edge of my bed when I was home with a sinus infection; she had sinus issues too, so it was like she “felt my pain.” When I came home from the hospital after having been there for a month, I’d wake up to find Missy at the end of my bed each morning. I think she wanted to make sure I didn’t go away again. They’re aware of these things, sometimes more so than humans.

Anyway, I hope you liked looking at her as much as I do. It’s like I’ve said about a sunset-if God is willing to put so much care and effort into something that can’t talk or have a relationship with Him, imagine how much care He puts into us. Something to think about.

About theprozacqueen

40s, female, married, Georgia US, very opinionated, open-minded mostly, too nice for my own good, Christian, fairly liberal, friendly. I have a pretty big family and several friends and in-laws that might as well be family. I don't have kids, but I have five cats who think they're kids. I have a silly (and sometimes off-color) sense of humor. I'm a Christian so I'll try not to be nasty or use bad language in my posts, but I'm not making any promises, View all posts by theprozacqueen

4 responses to “The Painted Kitty

  • Bianca Howard

    I didn’t know where you were going with this, but I’m glad I kept reading until the end. Thank you for the reminder to pay attention to the little things (e.g. sunsets, raindrops) I take for granted.


    • theprozacqueen

      Thanks! I just think tabbies and torties are incredibly beautiful. Her hair is so soft and shiny too; when I take her to the vet’s office, they love weighing her just so they get to pet her! Same for Haley, the Russian Blue…that’s the Coney McConerton one, although she’s just Haley now.

      Man, I need a life…I really *have* become the crazy cat lady. 🙂
      Speaking of pets, I saw a turtle pulling a cart at the Renaissance Fair and it made me think of Flair. Is Lio going to get a pet one day?


  • Ellen Hawley

    If I can convince our kitten to stay still long enough, I’ll check out the individual hairs. In the meantime, I can report that the stripes on his belly don’t match, so he looks like someone put the zipper in badly.


    • theprozacqueen

      LOL I wanted to get one of Missy’s hairs to photograph, but it’s pretty hard to find a flat surface in my house that doesn’t have the same colors she does. I have a grey tabby and had an orange tabby a few years ago…their hairs show the same thing but it’s not as noticeable as it is on brown tabbies. They won’t stay still either.

      Cute with the zipper…got a picture of his belly? I once took a picture of my orange cat’s belly when he wouldn’t get off the scanner.

      Thanks for reading! I need all the help I can get.


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