What Anxiety Is Like In Nine Short Drawings

Yes, I know, this is just a link…but I came across it today when looking at something else and thought you all might find it helpful.



I’ve used the “raining” metaphor to describe depression before-it’s like a black cloud is following you around all the time when the rest of the world is sunny. People will tell you to cheer up or think positive but, just like the rain in real life, no amount of “good thoughts” stops it. Not for long, anyway.  Therapy, anti-depressants, prayer etc can act as an umbrella but they don’t necessarily stop the rain from coming back. People usually understand it when I explain it like this, but every now and then I will over-hear people talking about how anti-depressants and therapy aren’t “real solutions”, and what depressed people *really* need is faith in God/right belief/etc. To that, I only have one things to say:

Yes, God is the one who can ultimately stop the rain. However, you would never criticize someone for using an umbrella to help them weather the storm. We ultimately don’t know whether the rain is going to stop tomorrow, next week or next year (weathermen try but they can be wrong), so use that umbrella as long as you need to. Ignore anyone who suggests you should go without it because they probably wish they had one too.

Just to end on a happy note, here’s another link:


About theprozacqueen

40s, female, married, Georgia US, very opinionated, open-minded mostly, too nice for my own good, Christian, fairly liberal, friendly. I have a pretty big family and several friends and in-laws that might as well be family. I don't have kids, but I have five cats who think they're kids. I have a silly (and sometimes off-color) sense of humor. I'm a Christian so I'll try not to be nasty or use bad language in my posts, but I'm not making any promises, View all posts by theprozacqueen

2 responses to “What Anxiety Is Like In Nine Short Drawings

  • Bianca

    Thanks for sharing those pictures. I know people who take medication for anxiety, but I’ve never had a serious conversation about how difficult daily life must be for them.
    I tried to read the pizza blog too, but I quit after the pizza topped with chicken nuggets and burgers. Yuck!


    • theprozacqueen

      LOL I know, right? I’ve seen pictures of one with squid, shrimp and rice…it looked like a sort of “paella pizza”…I like both things, but not together. 🙂

      My anxiety isn’t as bad as the pictures, but there have been times when I’ve been so anxious I couldn’t do things like drive without psyching myself up. But then again, you saw what it was like in Atlanta…who *wouldn’t* be nervous about that! 🙂 Maybe I can figure out a way to create pictures like that about another disorder. Most people I know who have disorders like anxiety issues have at least one more thing alongside it. Is that how the people you know are? Feel free to show this to them…I could use the readers. 🙂

      Did you do much for Easter?
      Feel free to call or text if you like.


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